Make money supporting the electricity grid with frequency regulation!
Are you active in industry, real estate or any other sector with a large variation in electricity consumption and power output? If you want to be one of those who take advantage of their flexible electricity consumption and at the same time support the transition to a fossil-free power grid, contact us and we will help you.
Reduce electricity costs
Avoid price peaks and secure your energy needs with powerful batteries.
Operational safety
Ensure important functions even in the event of power outages and disturbances!
Reduce the power output
Store your power and use it when needed - you don't have to think about power tariffs.
One supplier - endless possibilities
We offer an end-to-end solution, whether your goal is to reduce energy costs, increase self-use or access energy trading marketplaces. With the option of full delivery from installation and commissioning to complete integration with marketplaces, you decide how big the scoop should be.
- we deliver quickly, have a high level of expertise and offer customised solutions.
Batteries as a power buffer
Battery storage is a very effective way to accelerate our transition to fully renewable energy sources. By using batteries, we can bridge the gap between power production from renewable sources and market power needs. It also safeguards your business against possible disruptions in the electricity grid!