Energy storage in the form of batteries means that electrical energy generated from a source, such as wind or solar power, can be stored in batteries for later use. Batteries act as a type of energy storage that allows energy to be saved when not needed and then utilised when required,

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Batteries used for energy storage are most commonly lithium-ion, lead-acid, sodium-sulphur or flow batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are the most common batteries used for energy storage because they have high energy density and low self-discharge, which means they can store a lot of energy for a long time without losing much of the energy.
Energy storage in batteries has several benefits, including increased use of renewable energy, improved energy efficiency and better control of the electricity grid. By storing energy from solar panels or wind turbines, batteries can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Energy storage can also help reduce the cost of electricity supply, especially during periods of high electricity demand when electricity prices are at their highest.
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- Fast response time: Batteries can be charged and discharged quickly, meaning they can deliver power to the grid within seconds or milliseconds. This makes them ideal for managing variations in the electricity grid, such as rapid fluctuations in electricity prices or increases in demand.
- Flexibility: Battery storage systems can be installed in a variety of locations and used for a variety of purposes. For example, batteries can be installed on solar or wind power plants to store the excess electricity produced, or on a building to store electricity to be used at times of high demand.
- Economically favourable: Battery storage can help reduce the cost of electricity use by storing energy during low demand and using it during high demand. This way, it can benefit from lower electricity prices and avoid expensive peak load charges.